We gathered here, for experimentation

to uncover commonality amongst us
I had not met you until today, until this moment
I imagine the moment you pass wind when you
wake in the morning; you slowly stretch your body
touch the sun shadow patterns laid on the desk
unmistakeable and inarticulate desire to be alive

We gathered here, for I do not know you
Without the rubbing on the edge
we will not discover commonalities between us
This will provoke you to speak to me
because you think I misunderstood you
because you think the same thing that I thought

We wait for a bus of the same colour, in
a neighbourhood of the same colour; but
we have a differently coloured home in our minds
we have a differently coloured hands

Freezing air in the winter, then purple hands, and yellow
hands, and emerald hands, and orange blood hands
all burrow into their pockets

with the cold weather
the external world brings to us
one commonality

We gathered here for no reason
This encounter happens by accident
Meaning will be painted over it
after a time has passed
to unwrite the written

to unlearn from the learned words

to unlock the body we captured inside

동시대 해체를 위한 시

우리가 오늘 여기에 모인 것은 우리의 생각이 어떤 공통점을 가지고 있는지 실험하기 위함이다. 나는 너를 오늘 이순간 이전, 만난 적이 없다. 하지만, 네가 아침에 일어나서 방구를 뀌고 몸을 길쭉하게 늘어뜨리고 아침 해무늬가 책상에 내려앉으면 알지 못하는 사이, 살고 싶다는 욕망이 하루를 일으킨다고 상상한다.

우리가 오늘 여기에 모인 것은, 나는 너를 모르기 때문이다. 이렇게 상상하는 것으로는, 너와 나의 공통점을 찾을수는 없다. 다만, 이렇게 상상을 함으로서 너에게 동의를 구하거나 오해를 일으킴으로서 너와 대화하기 위함이다. 

우리는 같은 동네에서 같은 색깔의 버스를 기다리고 있지만 우리의 마음속의 고향은 다르기 때문에, 우리는 다른 색깔의 손을 가지고 있는지 모른다. 가끔 날씨가 추워지면 보라색 손도, 노란색 손도, 청록색 손도, 핏빛 손도 모두 주머니속으로 파고 든다. 우리는 그 때, 잠시, 추운 날씨로 인해 외부로부터 공통점을 부여받는다.

우리가 오늘 여기에 모인 것은, 아무런 이유가 없다. 만남은 무작위적으로 일어나고, 의미는 시간이 지난 후에 억지로 붙여진 것이다.  씌여있는 것을 지우기 위해, 배운 것에서 일탈하기 위해, 잠겨있는 것을 풀기 위해.