eco-crip learns
Resources for sick artists and writers
to digest and know our dignity, access rights, intersectionality and health justice
- Access Toolkit for Artworkers (Iaraith Ní Fheorais, Hannah Wallis): Really helpful to plan for the whole production. (2023, UK & Ireland context)
- Access Docs For Artists: Leah Clements, Lizzy Rose and Alice Hattrick (2018, practical examples of riders, UK)
- Accessibility in the Arts: A Promise and a Practice - Carolyn Lazard (pdf and audio available, American Disability Context)
- Access resources for artists, producers and sectors - Unlimited (practical toolkits etc, UK)
- Accessible Spaces: a fragrance-free toolkit (US)
- Chemical Hazzard check: Skin Deep, run by environmental working group (US)
- Hedva’s Disability Access Rider and Sick Woman Theory: Johanna Hedva (2019, practical)
A Primer on Working With Disabled Group Members for Feminist / Activist Organisations - RA Walden (pdf)
Crip Negativity: Ed. J. Logan Smilges (2023, theory + experiences)
Shayda Kafal: Disability Justice and Liberation (audio, transcript available)
Black Disability Justice Syllabus (great resource list)
- RestFest Film Festival, UK (2024~)
- Jennifer Mullan,
- Eli Clare,
- Jasmine E. Harris,
Crip Time
- A flexible standard for punctuality, as an accommodation for a person with a disability
- Crip time is flex time not just expanded but exploded; it requires reimagining our notions of what can and should happen in time, or recognizing how expectations of “how long things take” are based on very particular minds and bodies.
(Alison Kafer)
- “Crip time means listening to the broken languages of our bodies, translating them, honouring their words. - Ellen Samuels”
- More Glossary.
I am only interested in the intersection of disability with race, queerness, and liberation work. I approach health justice as a process of healing from the dehumanising effects of colonization, imperialism, state-sanctioned violence, and structural oppression.